Good thing I didn't decide to drink nearly an entire bottle of whiskey by myself last night with my ultimate frisbee team. Good thing I didn't have to teach this morning. Good thing I wasn't still drunk when I had to do it. Good thing I didn't try to cover up the smell of booze with aftershave and coffee. I'm so much smarter than that.

Advice to others who want to try this bold move: keep moving. Being drunk and nauseous while lecturing is a great opportunity to practice your classroom movement skills that are supposed to be so important for aspiring instructors. Standing still just makes you want to be sick. The wierd thing was, class actually went really well, and I got through the whole textbook chapter on film editing technique.

Suffice it to say, I'm never ever doing that again.


2 Responses to “One whiskey, ah ah ah. Two whiskey, ah ah ah.”

  1. Joel

    earv would, most assuredly, be beaming with pride right now...

  2. Evan

    Good choice, whiskey. it's the official drink of Boys Named Sue Ultimate. Look for Boys Named Sue Bathtub Whiskey coming soon...

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