
Author: mr.mhhs

Here's a picture of some christmas sushi made by me, Christopher and Kim. There's some tuna rolls, some avocado rolls, some cucumber rolls, and some combinations of all three.

I bet the left overs will taste even better a couple days from now.


Pain Pills for Sale

Author: mr.mhhs

The elderly sell their pain pills in Kentucky for extra money.

the intro to this news story is particularly rich:

PRESTONSBURG, Kentucky (AP) -- Dottie Neeley, 87, was fingerprinted, photographed and thrown in jail, imprisoned as much by the tubing from her oxygen tank as by the concrete and steel around her.

what relish! we're just a big ole country of sadistic perverts, aren't we?

interestingly enough, google image search "pills" and you get lots of beautiful images of medication. what's up with that?


Find out here. Normally we think they get melted down and re-introduced into the electronics market. Not so. Most of the stuff in your computer is really poisonous and expensive to properly reconstitute, so of course the natural place for these toxins is overseas.

Waste from personal computers and other electronics is rapidly becoming one of the world's most serious waste problems. It is also one of the newest forms of ecological imperialism that more developed nations can exert on their lesser developed neighbors.

Check out the full reports on Asia and Africa



Author: mr.mhhs

Check this site out. Not only are all the cheetahs really cute, but you can actually help them out buy consuming (everyone's favorite) or by making a donation. You can even enroll in the "adopt a cheetah" program, where you get a certificate and photo of the cheetah you adopt and fund.

I couldn't resist and bought some sweet-ass cheetah gear.


Happy Thanksgiving

Author: mr.mhhs

Here is some fine carbohydrate porn. These are all the breads I made for thanksgiving. I got one foccacia, one country white bread, and one parmesean/rosemary. Among all the things I've learned over the years, the words of wisdom that have stuck with me most come from none other than Dr. Octagon:

"Hold on to da electric wires. Have some bread."


Who is THIS???

Author: mr.mhhs

Looks kinda like Sprewell.

Has same haircut as Sprewell.

Has a uniform like Sprewell.

Plays the same position as Sprewell.

But it aint Sprewell!

What a pathetic impostor. I'm so disgusted right now, I'm actually NOT thinking of the 36 student papers, 7 pages of response papers, 700 pages of reading, in-class presentation, and dissertation prospectus that all have to be taken care of by Monday. Maybe it's my time for some liquid courage...


And Who is This?

Author: mr.mhhs

Looks like Scott Stapp.

Has same clothes as Scott Stapp.

Sings same kind of music as Scott Stapp.

wait, this IS Scott Stapp!!! And he has a new solo album too!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Life getting darker and more fulled up with hate...


Well, for those of us who thought shaming was kinda funny to joke about in a non-combat, non-iraq context, here is a little bit of news that makes us all grip our faces and say "holy fuck."

Talk about hitting a gnat with a hammer. I mean, shaming an 8-year old girl? In front of the whole school? I think fish should be shamed, and I think shakespeare scholars should be shamed too (brutally). But come on, shaming people that have not even developed into adults? Maybe we are a culture of torture after all.


Here is an interesting take on the bird flu situation and the current scare in the news and current presidential rhetoric.

I just love it when conspiracy theories come true...


and go to this website.

register (just give your email address)

download one of the movies.

it sure does look cool. maybe this will actually make you more worried about avian flu.

To check out the often cool and often lame conference i just went to and presented at, check out this link.

i presented on saturday morning, a paper that had something to do with the abstract in the program. forgive the lame and futurological rhetoric of some of the program. overall it was a really cool conference.


Time to Recoup

Author: mr.mhhs

Mr. T does it again. This is a clip from a T self-help video entitled "be somebody, or be somebody's foo(l?)"

The best part about the whole thing is the end, which i'm still trying to make sense of. I'm thinking i really need to just break down and buy a copy of this thing.


Here is yet another reason to hate this white house, as if we needed any more.

Rumsfeld hints at more troops in Iraq, eh? Must be to combat a surge of rebel attacks due to december elections. But I suppose its just a matter of time before the "insurgents" run out of volunteers and supplies, right? Unless of course, those isurgents account for much of the population of an entire fucking country.

Any predictions on how the inevitable troop withdrawl will be spun by the wing nuts?


Here I am in full action at a halloween party. I am none other than Tyrone Biggums, my personal hero. Note that every detail of his appearance has been attended to.


My Plants

Author: mr.mhhs

Here are some pics of the orchids I've been growing lately. The thinner looking flowers are my most recently flowering plants, and i shore do like them. note the addition of the stoner fountain for both feng shui and humidity. I currently have 6 plants total, all of which will flower at different parts of the year. Sadly, i care for the plants like they are children. Hey, sometimes masturbating gets boring.


How I Got By

Author: mr.mhhs

Well, with a broken metacarpal and a cast that immobilized nearly all of my lower arm except for a thumb, there was only one thing a brutha' could do.
My cast is finally off now, and now i get to have all the fun of rehabilitating all the atrophied muscles and joints. I wonder how i could do that...


Mismeasure of Man

Author: mr.mhhs

by Stephen J. Gould. A book that refutes the argument of the Bell Curve. Definitely required reading for anyone who despises strict recourse to quantitative data (cough*joel). Reads quick, reads well.

This is great stuff to have at you back when arguing with dogmatic statisticians; Gould himself was trained as a human computer and uses these skills to take his enemies to task. oh yeah, it also helps with radical critiques of the way we conceptualize race. enjoy.



Author: mr.mhhs

everyone needs to watch this clip. it's a fake trailer for the horror film "Shining" that completely changes its genre by changing the editing and sound. my heart swells with perverse pleasure.


I hate my neighbors!!!

Author: mr.mhhs

...because all they eat is bacon. "How do you know that Michael?" Well, let me tell you. My bedroom is right above their kitchen, and the stench of bacon smoke boils out of their windows like some kind of factory. They cook bacon like their lives depend on it. Like they can't live in a bacon-free atmosphere, just like the aliens from "They Live."

They wake up early for a bacon breakfast, followed by a mid morning bacon snack, then a hearty bacon lunch. Then they take a nap, then cook up their post nap mid afternoon bacon meal, followed by a heavier bacon dinner. Then comes the late evening bacon constitutional, then the bacon nightcap. Oh, and don't forget about the damned bacon midnight snack! AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGGH!!!! I fucking hate bacon now!!!

All my clothes smell like it. My hair and skin smell like it too. I have a cast now, and even it is starting to pick up the scent. I sleep in bacon fragranced sheets, and shit in a bacon flavored bathroom. If I take a shower, it just makes the air hot and moist, and that's perfect for amplifying the bacon smell pouring out of my ventillation grates.

Have something hateful to say? Then join ME!!! Hate here, in this hate loving zone. AUGGGHHHH!!! Fuck that putrid shit!!!!!



Author: mr.mhhs

that's the name of the newest Sigur Ros album. you all need to get it. if you liked the services of ba ba ti ki di do, you'll love Takk. I hear the album may be featured over christmas break on an episode of "Monster Garage" hosted in Little Rock, AR.

Just sayin'


You know what this is.

Author: mr.mhhs

adopt your own virtual pet!

Yes. It's a virtual pet. Obnoxious, disturbingly cute, and it's the kind of stuff you expect anime fans to have. Well, too bad. It's adorable and you should click on it to give it some play time.


Good thing I didn't decide to drink nearly an entire bottle of whiskey by myself last night with my ultimate frisbee team. Good thing I didn't have to teach this morning. Good thing I wasn't still drunk when I had to do it. Good thing I didn't try to cover up the smell of booze with aftershave and coffee. I'm so much smarter than that.

Advice to others who want to try this bold move: keep moving. Being drunk and nauseous while lecturing is a great opportunity to practice your classroom movement skills that are supposed to be so important for aspiring instructors. Standing still just makes you want to be sick. The wierd thing was, class actually went really well, and I got through the whole textbook chapter on film editing technique.

Suffice it to say, I'm never ever doing that again.


iPod Nano: Man on Robot?

Author: mr.mhhs

So for any of us who had any doubts as to the technology market of today being driven by sexual desire instead of real utility or imagined usefulness, here's a great story for the 18 and over crowd. While test driving Apple's latest incarnation of the iPod, Lev Grossman of Time Magazine says:

"For a device ostensibly created to be listened to, it is suspiciously good-looking. It's so teensy and glossy and perfect, you want to put it in your mouth like a hard candy."

What was that Lev? It came across kinda muffled. I think you had something in your mouth...

It seems like buying devices such as this one has less and less to do with needs, use, or looks. More and more we are trained to lust after machines before we buy them. Nothing like 21st century homoerotic robot lovin'. And I don't think many of us are innocent of at least some of this kind of repressed attraction.


Lovely Rita

Author: mr.mhhs

As of today, hurricane Rita has reached category 5 status. Winds today topped out at 165 miles an hour. All of this is pretty horrible stuff, but adding to the mix is the fact that we're running out of hurricane names for the 2005 hurricane season. See the STORY

Not only does this mean that there are a lot of storms, but the current scheme of science we have for understanding and organizing climate is now falling apart in front of us. The limits of the old scientific conversations and assumptions (limits patent within a system that allots for only 20 something hurricanes a year) are bending or even breaking. So this is a kind of "climate change" we seem to be witnessing, but our current systems of scientific discourse (and more importantly, our collectively acknowledged status of the world ecosystem) fail to recognize this change. This may seem minor, but decisions like these make sure that the "new rules" of post pollution 21st century environments (rules like, for instance, there will be 30 hurricanes a year instead of 18, there is no such thing as a safe coastal city, etc.) continue to look like exceptions or mistakes to a norm that will eventually be restored automatically, when in fact they are the results of long term environmental shifts for which we are directly responsible.

So while there are plenty of other crises going on all over the Gulf, we can add to the list a subtle but profound failure of Western scientific discourse.



Author: mr.mhhs

I'm really getting to like Illinois, but lots of people really hate on the prairie. Many of them never stop talking about how awesome New York City is. They act like the midwest is the toilet bowl of the country. Racism, poverty, and Wal-Mart are all the fault of the midwest and the south. New York is way better they say. You have to slum in Brooklyn, they say. I ask them why they are here, then. But all they want to talk about is clubs. That and stare admiringly down at their suede Pumas. They're just in Illinois to get a degree and hate on PBR. Jameson or Disorano are way better. I know they are busy and probably have lots of important things to think about, but they should put "fuck self with fist" on their to do lists. Soaping afterward would be optional.


Starting up

Author: mr.mhhs

Hmmm...Things seem empty and a bit depressing around here. For now i'm just going to decorate the place. There, here's a nice picture i took a long time ago. I will probably use this blog to shamelessly display images.