
Author: mr.mhhs

Check this site out. Not only are all the cheetahs really cute, but you can actually help them out buy consuming (everyone's favorite) or by making a donation. You can even enroll in the "adopt a cheetah" program, where you get a certificate and photo of the cheetah you adopt and fund.

I couldn't resist and bought some sweet-ass cheetah gear.


4 Responses to “Cheetahs”

  1. pepperedjane

    I can't tell if you are being serious or not.

  2. mr.mhhs

    oh, i'm totally serious. I ordered even ordered a cheetah-logoed satchel. you just can't make it through the site without your heart breaking, and having the sudden urge to dump your wallet all over the pro-cheetah cause.

  3. pepperedjane

    hmm ... maybe i'll wander through the site.

  4. pepperedjane

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