Stomach Flu
Author: mr.mhhs
It's the worst disease ever! Well, it's no polio, black death, or exposure to polonium 210, but it sure does feel bad, and here's why:
1) No appetite. At all. Stomach Flu takes that away. You didn't need it anyhow.
2) Suddenly your, um, "reverse appetite" becomes ravenous. Stomach Flu makes sure that you just can't stop gushing fluids. Particularities of which hole gets to leak do not matter to Stomach Flu.
3) Regular gastrointestinal habits and normal appetite do not return until about 1 to 2 weeks after the major symptoms of Stomach Flu have passed.
4) The virus is spread most often because someone didn't wash their hands enough after stooling or puking all over the place. In fact, most people do not properly wash their hands. You have to wash under your fingernails, between fingers, etc., for 20 seconds. That's right, 20 seconds. This fourth point leads me to my fifth and worst point:
5) having stomach flu means you ingested a (small, or even miniscule) amount of someone else's feces.

so wait- let me get this straight: if having the stomach flu means you ate poo and earlier today you blamed Wankman for the source of your stomach flu, doesn't that mean you ate Wankman's poo? What did it taste like? Was it full of shit? Ewwww boy, ewwww.
Seriously though, I'm sorry you're feeling "shitty" - if you or Turra need anything (like more t.p., pepto, or a shotgun to put you out of your misery), just gimme a call.