Author: mr.mhhs
here's the peak of my amateur orchid garden. i've kept most of these in bloom for a stretch of 3-6 months, depending on the plant. i've got two layers of sheer curtain hung on this iron rack to keep the direct sun off the plants, and it's oriented so some of the most intense sun comes in the morning.
another helpful hint is to try to keep the humidity lower at night than during the day, so i start by turning off the fountain. only problem is, it's hard to decrease humidity when the doors to your bedroom are closed. the best thing to do would be to open a window, but nights are still too cold here for that.
not bad for a beginner, i think, but i still can't get my hawaiin species (top of the rack) to bloom, although they are summer bloomers. the real test comes from the care i give the phalenopsis when they're not blooming, since that time is really important. for now though, i @m teh win111
click each pic for a bigger view.
Nice-ah! Very nice!!
Also, I like the setup for your laptop.
yeah, and it's me sayin it.