Mix Tape Project
Author: mr.mhhs
So right now i'm working on a project that involves the rise of the compact audiocassette in popular music listening and recording. anybody have any recommendations? if you ever have a chance to look at old school cassette advertisements, they really are hilarious.
oh, and if you're ever tempted to eat a platter full of nachos on your own, don't do it.
it may seem like an awesome idea, but it's not. it's just not.

Thurston Moore, guitarist for Sonic Youth, put out a book a couple years ago called "Mixtape Culture" or something like that. You also could investigate some resources about Grateful Dead taping culture.
ting once ate an entire bloomin' onion by himself.
You should talk to Ian Manire...I hear he has this awesome mixtape volume of music from 1981 which was like, when the cassette was all the rage. Then you could shoot yourself because you're just too damn cool for school.
And then there was that John Cusack movie where his making a mixtape is kind of central to the who he is.
It also seems like it was all the rage to make your own radio show when you were young, something that wouldn't have been possible without cassettes or a stronger focus on radio for that matter. I remember taping things off the radio as well.
That's all I know about cassettes.
oooh, i totally made radio shows on my boombox, too. i love that shit. cassettes are in many way superior to CDs. that much i know, too. i'd rather listen to neil young and bob dylan on tape than on CD, except for these new SACD remasters.
"I want to work. I want to work for my family."