'bate ku

Author: mr.mhhs

use this thread to write a haiku dedicated to masturbation. Because you will be doing this activity on a blog, on a computer you've probably masturbated with at least once, this shebang should be like, masturbation cubed.


5 Responses to “'bate ku”

  1. Anonymous

    thanksgiving morning
    could call grandma or papa
    no... I'll masturbate

  2. Anonymous

    okay, last one I swear:

    I sit on my hand,
    it goes numb and I whisper:
    "what's your name stranger?"

  3. mr.mhhs

    bored, nothing to do
    gripping the moist towel hard
    i'm back to grade 7

  4. Joel

    sunshine and hard on
    iced tea and pornography
    easy summer beat

  5. wekkley

    beat it gentle
    beat it like it owes money
    results are the same

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