It's really cold
Author: mr.mhhs
it's 7:48, and the air outside is so cold that by licking your lips, you can get them to freeze a little bit.
i've been told by some people that the best strategy for keeping warm is to simply "give up." Give up on being warm, give up on the idea you have about feeling your extremities, just focus on what you have instead of what the cold takes away. Seems effective.
Fun cold time activities enjoyed by me:
pin the tail on your nose (fuck it, you can't feel the tack anyways)
indoor soccer
maniacally checking the standings for fantasy basketball on
running, then searching for where my dick went after it freezes off.
reading one of the many, many books i have to get done for my exams next year.
halasana (plow position in yoga, basically you fold your body in half and it feels good)
pocket pool
eating "tasty bite" pre-made low preservative indian kosher meals that you mix from a foil pouch (yum muthafuckin' yum).
wondering what life would be like in arizona
hey - I found you a yoga partner - not only is he really excited to help you with your plow position, he's got some underwear to share with you:
blogger comments section sucks for linking: